MovieChat Forums > D2: The Mighty Ducks (1994) Discussion > Black Urban Street Hockey,,,

Black Urban Street Hockey,,,

Ah, yes. Leave it to the rough and rowdy black urban street hockey team to reinvigorate Team USA after first taking them down a few notches. Those white preppy privileged kids needed to be reminded of how real hockey is played. Because black people are better at sports than white people. Right. EXCEPT for friggin' hockey. HOCKEY!

If I ever walked past a park and saw a bunch of black gangsta kids skating around and playing hockey, I'd take a heart attack.

Simultaneously the funniest and dumbest thing about this movie.


im glad someone said this


Not only that, but the white kids weren't privileged anyway, in the first moving they were the poorest team in the league and couldn't even afford proper equipment.

People who dont punch their ponies make me sick


I guess you failed to see that not everyone on the team was all.

Also they were far from privileged. The bash brothers were more "urban" if you will than any of the other people on the Ducks. You had the asian figure skater. I don't think Charlie comes from a wealthy family. If they were so "privileged" they would have been able to afford uniforms in the first movie. The spanish guy who didn't know how to stop. Jesse Hall was the main one who had a problem with the street hockey team...and he was *gasp* Black!

...Not to mention that the street hockey team wasn't all black to begin with. I saw other minorities and some white guys in there to dispute your ignorant comments.

I think the point was to show a different form of hockey outside of the ice. It helped show the team different ways to play. and had nothing to do with race but people like yourselves like to bring race into anything


The OP has obviously never been to Trinidad. For most street kids, hockey is their only chance to make it out of the ghetto.

"Is this your student... The champion?"



he was making a joke about how there's a trinidad hockey team in the movie.

talk about dense.


The OP is right. But in the 90's, the urban image was king, so that's how the script was written.


I grew up in LA in the 90's everyone was giving hockey a shot. Even the brothas the Wayne Gretzky craze


I remember seeing people comment on the internet that one reason they loved these movies is that they made hockey seem like it could be for everyone, not just white boys from small town Canada. That was likely the intention of the filmmakers and it seemed to have worked to a certain extent.


A ridiculous comment. Maybe the OP ought to step outside once in the while and see that world is bigger than his limited views. Just for the record me and a couple of my others friends were big on street hockey and most of us were black.


This comment is everything.
The OP is ignorant. Let's just leave it at that.

"Do you even remember what you came here to find?"


I'm Black and I always thought that was weird. Also, Mendoza from freaking Miami and the dude from Texas, where football is king. Is their even a rink in Texas?! It was dumb.

I began playing street hockey after watching these movies dozens of times, but I lived where the Devils were popular, up North.


Texas has three professional hockey teams; the Dallas Stars (NHL), the San Antonio Rampage and the Houston Aeros (both AHL). Florida has the Panthers in Miami and the Lightning in Tampa (both NHL teams).

Both regions have quite a few minor teams as well. So it's not too farfetched for Texas or Florida to have hockey. Though I do admit it is strange for a cowboy stereotype to be a hockey player. As far as Texas is concerned, hockey is more popular in the McMansionvilles of suburban Dallas.


"I'm Black and I always thought that was weird. Also, Mendoza from freaking Miami and the dude from Texas, where football is king. Is their even a rink in Texas?! It was dumb."

I think they wanted to have players from a diverse group of places over the US (to really represent the country) but hockey players are not evenly spread out all over the country (especially not then).

However, like I said in a previous post, they probably wanted to encourage all Americans to play hockey.
