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Bombay thinking Iceland was made out of ice...

And the guy was a lawyer.


I don't think he really believed that. He's was on a date, and I think he was just being playful and flirting.


how dare you call yourself Iceland and not be a near frozen wasteland should of called themselves niceland


Not sure what being a lawyer has to do with climatology but whatever you say.


He’s supposed to be smart.


Those are two completely unrelated fields. That like saying a biochemist should know the complete works of Shakespeare


Well yea, if he doesnt then his a moron and a low level biochemist.
They teach you about geography in middle school.


Oh believe me, in today's day and age high schoolers can't locate North America on a map.


I believe you. But a lawyer and a coach that plays internationally?


Being a lawyer is irrelevant to his knowledge on climate. However yes it might be logical he’d know a little bit about his competition but in the beginning he wasn’t doing his job so that might be a reason he wouldn’t know

However it’s possible he really did know and was just flirting with her




Well being that lawyers should know international law. No, as a international coach he has to know geography. Whether it’s for competition, travel, or not.

And that’s the point that he should know if he’s a lawyer as they are supposed to be smart.


International law and climatology are two different things. That’s like expecting a climatologist to understand all of the customs, traditions and history of Kazakhstan (unrelated fields)


Yea you should. Just because that’s your major doesnt mean it’s the only subject you study. That’s like saying because he’s a lawyer he doesnt know math, geography, chemistry, environment, he is a complete moron and is only suited for law.


There are plenty of people who are experts in a certain field but ignorant in others. It's just like if you go on a game show, it all depends on the categories. On Trivia Crack I am great with the science questions but I get my ass kicked on the sports questions.


Yea but we’re talking about a basic level not expert. Lawyers who dont know basic arent really good lawywers and I wouldnt want Such dummies anywhere near my case. Plus it’s obvious he should know given he had played the iceland coach Wolf before as a kid.


He played Stanson as a kid? I don't remember that where was that revealed? And your premise is illogical, by your logic I shouldn't be allowed to teach college chemistry because I don't even know who played in the last super bowl.


That makes perfect logic. If you dont know who played in last super bowl. I dont care what you have to teach. Yea Wolf played him and cheated and won. Thats how the kids played too. They played a physical aggressive game and that’s how they’d beat them.


When did they establish that Stanson and Bombay played each other as kids?

So therefore since I don't know who even played in the last super bowl I shouldn't be allowed to have any job that requires a college education even if I'm fully qualified for that job? You have some very very strange criteria.

Sports just aren't my thing much like how climatology isn't Bombay's thing.


When they played each other like adults.

You can work in low-end jobs just not hired by me.

Bombay plays in Ice. He should know about Iceland.


You said they played together as kids, they didn’t, they never met each other until the junior goodwill games. You have some shit hiring policies, why would you ever base your qualifications for a non sports related job on the applicants knowledge of sports? Your last point is debunked and a deflection. Gordon had a background in hockey, that has nothing to do with the climate of a country whose name that the conditions of the sport he specializes sometimes produces. Are you trolling me? By your logic he should know everything about China as well because being a lawyer is a lucrative job and you’ll be able to buy fine china with that money


I thought they touched upon it how he lost to him in his youth and he cheated so he was doing the same thing as adults. Winners know everything especially some as common as the sb. Losers are completely clueless. I dont know what school he went to or you but the comic conditions in Iceland was common knowledge in my school. If I were a sports pro I’d know everything of my opponent. Lawyers are supposed to be smart not clueless.


Nope no such thing exists, Bombay and Stanson never met each other until the Junior Goodwill Games.

Winners know everything??? I don't think it's possible to know everything. I couldn't care less if my lawyer is a climatology expert, I just care that he's a good lawyer. You know to me knowing every Black Sabbath album in order is common knowledge, can you recite them without having to look them up? I guess that means you wouldn't be qualified to work for me.


Must’ve imagine it. But he knew he was a pro. So he mustve known his background. Everything, meaning at least basic common knowledge. Everyone knows the Superbowl. Personally I wouldnt want a lawyer who doesnt share the same values and interests as me. I’d want him to represent me as close as possible. Sure he could be good at routine but that wouldnt feel right with me. I’d much rather give it to a lawyer who I know is well rounded and has good taste.

I just turned into a Black Sabbath fan and could probably name a few. Black Sabbath, paranoid, 13. But it’s really such a bad example. You’re talking about metal which is a broad small subject and then reducing it to a band. Metal isnt the most of popular music but the Superbowl is the second most spent event in America, only behind Thanksgiving and it’s not like Im asking you to name every head cheerleader from every team since Superbowl l. I was just asking the latest one that anyone should know. And go ahead, if you want to higher a high priced Metal Lawyer. I wouldnt be against it. I’m sure he’s gotten off Ozzy plenty of times.


It's not a bad example at all, Black Sabbath is one of the greatest bands of all time. The Superbowl is just one football game and Iceland is just one small island nation. It's a completely legitimate comparison.


Greatest? I wouldnt say it’s in the top ten.
For starters metal is for drug infused heroine baseheads. They’ve been on and off for ages. Ozzy is the epitome of a rock star junkie. Tattooed up his ass. Fks whores everyday. Cant put two words together. Doesnt believe anything he sings. Isnt even really Black Sabbath. Outside of black basehead america nobody cares about them. Their diabolic music isnt of the most aspiring nor do they live it. Great band, sure. In the greatest doubtful. The Superbowl isnt just one game. Goes to show how clueless you are. If a 30 sec spot is worth millions, halftime shows are epic, they do special star spangles, anthems, preshows, crazy of millions of bets, fans going all out in the stadium and around the globe. No other game is as spectacular in all of America. With many epic memorable moments and memories. With players legacies on the line. With many great legends not even stepping in the game. Iceland is one of the highest ranked most prosperous countries in the world. Way more advanced than the rest of the world.


Yes it is the greatest. I have never done drugs in my life so no metal is not just for stoners. You could make the same case for rap music which has far more vicious lyrics. Black Sabbath is also about more than just Ozzy, Tony Iommi is the backbone of the band and I think Dio was a better singer.

Football is nothing more than a bunch of dumb jockheads being paraded around and pimped out for what is supposed to be our amusement and if you want to talk about diabolical plenty of football players do drugs, you know that thing you criticized Sabbath for. Football does absolutely nothing for society rather than give a bunch of lazy rednecks some mild entertainment. The super bowl is a joke.

You have still yet to demonstrate a correlation between climatology and law.



Based on your personal taste?

Yes, but the vast majority of fans are junkies. Ozzy is probably the no. 1 inspiration for needle zombies.

Rappers usually like weed. But sure you can. I’m not defending them.

Some rap can be poetic and toughen you up.

Im not saying Black Sabbath is bad music or that it has bad lyrics. Im saying it’s fans are fiends and Ozzy promotes addiction as a role model.

How is Black Sabbath more about then it’s members? Delusional?

You know many of these “ dumb jock heads” have degrees and went to college. Get good jobs afterwards. Are respected members of society. Being good at football takes a lot of smarts. You cant just be a meat head go there and be successful.

Well, I’d like to be pimped out too if I’m going to get paid millions for playing a sport I love. Be paid to be fit. Fk a million girls, be famous, be recognised, have a legacy. That’s one good way to be pimped out.

Yea but the players do it discreetly. The sport itself is not promoting drugs and not everyone in football does drugs. Can we say the same thing about Black Sabbath?

Football donates millions to charity, educates, and creates billions of jobs for society. It is also a well calibrated chess game between the best athletes and minds in the world.

Look I’m not saying you have to love the game but at least knowing who the Super Bowl teams are. It’s common knowledge. Granted most fans dont have the slightest clue about the game but knowing it’s simple basics is a given. Football is part of American Cultural and if you dont know the basic of American Cultural you shouldn’t be in my vicinity.

I did. Schools teach a variety of education even before you get to law school. In college you got to take several courses and pass several test out of your field. If you ain’t smart enough to be anything other than a Lawyer your a failure.


Can you show me scientific data to back up your assertions that most of them are junkies? If not then you're just talking out of your anus.

Rap is not poetic or toughens you up. It's all about saying the N-word, promoting violence against police officers and degrading women. That's rap in a nutshell.

I said Black Sabbath was more than just Ozzy, Dio was a better singer and possibly even Ian Gillan. Tony Iommi is one of the greatest guitarists of all time and Geezer Butler is one of the greatest bass players. Don't strawman me next time.

There is nothing smart about football, it's just run into each other and yes they are pimped out for people's enjoyment which is degrading. Many football players do drugs as well which is something you ripped on Black Sabbath for, hypocritical??? Football players also disrespect the United States and even make statements that are degrading to police officers.

Yes I can say the same thing about Black Sabbath, Black Sabbath does not promote drugs despite the fact that some of the members do it. They wrote maybe a few songs about drugs (maybe Snowblind), most rock bands do.

Football trivia is NOT common knowledge anymore than knowing all of the lineups of Black Sabbath. However unlike you I would not refuse to hire someone just because their knowledge of Black Sabbath was lacking, you however will not apply that same standard which is quite odd and I have a feeling you're trolling me. Not knowing the climatic conditions of Iceland are irrelevant to ones knowledge of law and while I'm at it there are glaciers in Iceland (, even if he thought the entire country was Ice he at least had a justification for his misconception


I suppose if you never thought about it or read up about the subject, you would wonder why Iceland is called Iceland if it's green and why Greenland is called Greenland if it's covered in ice.

You would think it would be the opposite.
