Kurt Cobain

So maybe I'm crazy, but i have always thought their are eerie or not so eerie similarities between the Eric draven character and nirvanas Kurt Cobain. It's a stretch,but stay with me. Both were musicians, who died in/before their prime. Both men dealt with darker themes, i feel like they had the same haircut. The heroin angle.
This movie was released in June 1994 which was only two months after kurts untimely demise. So his death was still fresh in everyone's minds. I can't b the only one who thinks this.


-- The heroin angle --
You lost me there, Eric Draven had no heroin angle, at least not in the film - I never read the comic.

Here All One Needs Is A Pair Of Fangs
Come Out Come Out Wherever You Are
-Lestat de Lioncourt


I agree; the movie version of Eric was positively against heroin, squeezing it out of Darla's arm and telling her to start being a better mother.

I haven't read the graphic novel either -- but I wonder if that Eric was involved in heroin? I've heard it's darker than the movie it spawned and Eric was darker and more tortured.


Oh i didn't mean Eric draven himself being a user. I just feel Brandons character represents the yang to kurts ying. In a way. I know now it seems ridiculous, but watching movie then with the current events the time period, this film must have been kind ironic


In the original graphic novel, he wasn't a heroin user, but he did morphine regularly. It's how he was about to take being shot and stabbed.


Those are some tenuous links.

You could say the same/similar things about Jimi Hendrix, Amy Winehouse, Jim Morrison...I could go on.

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Sony 16:9



I get what you're saying. They're not identical people, but both were 90s icons who died in their 20s, surrounded by tragedy and alternative music.


The movie was released Friday the 14th of May 1994. What heroin angle are you talking about? You mean funboy? If anything the similarities are between Funboy and Kurt.


I think the OP might not be in the US -- I believe the UK released it in June of 1994, while the US release date was Friday the 13th, May 1994.

I agree it's more like Funboy seemed like Kurt Cobain.


Even though the movie was released within a couple of months of Kurt's death, it was made an entire year before his death, in the spring of 1993, meaning that it wasn't fresh in their minds while they were actually making the movie because Kurt was still alive and a year away from dying.

Filming wrapped in 1993 and then came a long time before it was even released because of the legal fights following Brandon's death.
