I love that line, because up until that point Ritter had been with the inner circle of POTUS, Cutter, and John Clark. He even points out to Ryan that he has a "get out of jail free card" which most likely only he, Cutter and Clark had. Ryan didn't have one of those, so Ritter (and everyone else in the inner circle) expected Ryan to keep his mouth shut and accept the world as "grey." However, once Ritter shouts it, you can tell the gears are working in his head and he's realizing that Ryan won't stop, regardless of whether or not he's risking himself.
As a fan of the novels, I was disappointed when I learned how Ritter was more of a hero and a lot of people like John Clark actually mention him quite favorably a couple times. However, going by the movie Czerny does a hell of a job making him seem like a government CIA type, going behind people's back and feeling one step ahead of everyone else. He knows full well the President's a moron, Jack Ryan's a "boyscout," and that Cutter "couldn't tie his shoes without permission." Yet that scene with Ryan is probably the best character interaction in the whole movie in my opinion.
Can't be too careful with all those weirdos running around.