That's a pretty good Summation of the Movie Versions of Dr Jack Ryan. Well I have read practically all of Tom Clancy Novels. Especially those featuring Jack Ryan as central Character. (There are others like Op Center & Net Force which don't).
So speaking to the Ryan in the Novels, well He's a straight Shooter who openly admits Diplomacy isn't his strongest Suit. Although Ryan in books is an Analyst at heart, he has repeatedly Manned up in face of Danger (Saving British Queen, Saving his Family subsequently from IRA). He does however admitted that he had just been to the head when IRA goons attacked his home!
Admittedly the guy does have a pretty short fuse. He has time and again exploded with rage when someone pushed his buttons. He is also ruthless where Responding in Kind or Retribution is concerned. When UIR goons spread Ebola in US, Ryan publicly televises Gun Camera footage of a Laser Guided bomb falling on the Clergy's Mosque. Read the Ryan Doctrine for more details.
So in short, he's not Jason' Bourne's Ruthless field Operator. Nor is he a Desk Jockey like George Smiley (by John le Carré). The closest Book version of Ryan comes is believe it or not, Ethan hunt. Now to the Obvious question, which Movie's version got it right ? Was it Baldwin, ford, Affleck or Pine ? Well, in my opinion, it was Baldwin who did get it right. Ford too did a good job of short tempered Ryan in Clear and Present Danger. But like Clancy said, he was too old at 52 for a 37 year old Ryan in this movie. Chris Pine ? Well he seems more like Jack Ryan Jr. The second child of Original Ryan. The later novels of Ryanverse do show that Jack Jr is quiet the character. As to Affleck's version, like Concise_Statement was told, Affleck didn't have the foggiest Idea.