This is without a doubt the worst film I have ever seen
And I currently have 800 rated titles on IMDB and many more I never rated. Shame on you, Mr. Moore.
shareAnd I currently have 800 rated titles on IMDB and many more I never rated. Shame on you, Mr. Moore.
shareA pure waste of time and resources. Unfunny and cliched. Not worth seeing twice, let alone once.
shareYup, a rare 1
Coz lifes too short to listen to Madlib
This movie is ridiculously funny if you're a Canadian because it points to all of the stereotypes that Americans have about Canada. All of the steretypes that are often hinted at but never articulated.
If you're an American, then you probably won't get most of the jokes. Then the movie will seeem like a waste of time.
I get the Jokes but it sucked
John Candy was amazing but this was his worst movie in my opinion
I agree, I was 12 when it came out, I liked it then I like it now, maybe though because I am Canadian.
"Without you, today's emotions would be the scurf of yesterday's."-Hipolito
Im Canadian too and I really like this movie.
shareI'm American and I think this is one of the funniest movies I've ever seen.
It's great to catch a comedy that draws laughes on an intellectual level instead of slapstick and scatalogical levels.
That already disqualifies it for most Americans...
I didn't much care for this movie initially, but I must admit it has grown on me over the years. Not a great movie by any means, but it has it's charming moments.
shareya, its not meant to be taken too seriously, its just good fun7
its really only funny if you're canadian and/or understand canada/american relationships
its especially funny if like me, you're canadian and you live in america
This movie is ridiculously funny if you're a Canadian because it points to all of the stereotypes that Americans have about Canada. All of the steretypes that are often hinted at but never articulated.
movie was hilarious. Especially the fact that John Candy was Canadian.
-We Provide.....Leverage
I saw this as more of a putdown of the military-industrial complex than anything else. Yeh Canadian ways were satirized, but IMO with a very gentle hand. If anyone came away looking bad it's Americans, especially the super-patriots. Mike hit the nail on the head with that one, even more so (no pun intended) 10-15 years later than in 1995. I give it a 10.
shareOP Title "This is without a doubt the worst film I have ever seen"
Sounds like a quote from a pirate movie where the pirate responds with "Yes, but you HAVE heard of me."
Why are people getting worked up by this movie? I thought it was funny as hell. I just saw it as something out of The Simpsons were all the characters are acting goofy.
shareGuess this movie is made for (mainly) Canadians.
shareThat's not that many..unless you are very young. And even so, if this is the worst movie you've ever seen you should broaden your tastes. I bet those 800 titles (or whatever the number is now) consists of Michael Bay movies and the like. Plus, you probably rated some tv shows too so those don't count.
Canadian Bacon - 7/10
Beneath the Planet of the Apes - 7/10
If this is the worst film you're ever seen, then you obviously haven't seen a hell of a lot of films. Did you actually WATCH the film, or did you just come on this board to bash Mr. Moore simply because FOX news told you to? Apparently being a liberal and actually having an informed opinion is enough to set some people off, which just shows you how much our political discourse has degenerated to nowadays---how messed up and sad!
Still, the OP said that this is the worst film they ever saw. Now come on, even you know that there are so many more worse movies than this one. So the OP is clearly way off in all aspects, leave the politics out of it I know that's hard for many of you people, but let's just focus on the film. The movie.
Plus, just watch that scene where the three of them are in the car when John Candy is driving and they are on their way to the hacker factory. That is such a great scene with all the conversation in the singing--- things like that make the movie great. Lots of humor!!!
Which was obviously lost on so many of you !! Shame!!!
That would make 3 Christmas' I've saved, vs. 8 that I've ruined; two were kind of a draw..
Still, the OP said that this is the worst film they ever saw. Now come on, even you know that there are so many more worse movies than this one. So the OP is clearly way off in all aspects, leave the politics out of it I know that's hard for many of you people, but let's just focus on the film. The movie.
Plus, just watch that scene where the three of them are in the car when John Candy is driving and they are on their way to the hacker factory. That is such a great scene with all the conversation in the singing--- things like that make the movie great. Lots of humor!!!
Which was obviously lost on so many of you !! Shame!!!
That would make 3 Christmas' I've saved, vs. 8 that I've ruined; two were kind of a draw..