Who is Karen?

For years I've been wondering who was that smokin', SMOKIN' busty blonde who, along with another blonde girl, walked into the bar with JT Walsh's character in one scene. She isn't listed in the credits, not even on IMDB. Anyone have a clue who she is? Was she a playmate or something?


Nothing like answering a post 1 year and 8 months later. But I came here curious about the same thing...I think. I'm not sure which of the girls is Karen. But one of the girls in the bar is later seen hanging out at Happy's (J.T. Walsh) place/pool.
It is my theory that this woman is Cheryl Bachman the Playboy Centerfold from October 1991.
I have been completely unable to verify this.

But there you go...



I think you're right.


Can confirm. friends mom


Her is a link to some photo's of CHERYL BACHMAN:

http://images.google.com/images?sourceid=navclient&ie=UTF-8&rl z=1T4GGHP_enUS366US367&q=CHERYL-BACHMAN

Ye Olde Sig Line:

Liberals kill with ABORTION.
Conservatives kill with the DEATH PENALTY.
I kill with THOSE and WORDS.
