gimme a break
Wake up knob-heads, just another unbelievable piece of misguided, mis-informed cheap hollywood sensationalist *beep* that pertains to prolong the perception of the irish republican physcho terrorist as a romantic misundertood freedom fighter "with fokin god on our fokin soides, bejaysuz', etc.
Also shows U2 in their real light for actually agreeing to let their music be used in such an unadulterarated piece of drivel, served up by the p%ss-ignorant hollywood proles as supposedly accurate. A few years on, these protagonists would have just been either middle-eastern or German. Sunday Bloody Sunday? Get your facts right you pig-ignorant morons before making such a cheap piece of simplistic garbage. It was on tonight on SHOW Cinema, and I had forgotten what a nasty, insidious peice of cheap sewage this was, that insults the fallen and maimed on either side. Both Irish and British.