Does anybody know if you can really make a bomb from the acid in your stomach? I think he made gun cotton, I am talking about when the villian breaks out of jail BTW.

I know some people do not want people to know this type of stuff, but the more you know the less ignorant you are. I mean that if someone wants to make a bomb, you cannot stop someone by limiting their knowlege.


Stomach acid is hydrochloric acid. Guncotton is made by dissolving cellulose in nitric acid, making nitrocellulose.
In the scene you mentioned, he barfs up a small container of a reddish-brown liquid, and uses this to create the explosion.
Besides, gunpowder does not explode unless it is strongly confined and this stuff was not at all confined. All that gunpowder would do, therefore, is burn quite rapidly.


I dont think he was using his stomach acid.

He was barfing up something which he had previously swallowed to hide it.

He had previously swallowed a condom containing some liquid. This must have been smuggled in for him at visiting time, or else he had made it somehow in the kitchen, or the toolshed or whatever.


I agree with padzok, he vomited somehing he had prevously swallow.
I don't understand why he used blood with the cotton. Blood is not explosive nor a good combustible.
