Helen Hunt cameo?

Towards the end of AITO, where a short montage of California Angels fans is shown depicting Angels fans before the big championship match, a woman passes in front of the camera in a medium shot. She is dressed all in white and has a pair of angel wings on her back. While she looks unaware of the camera, I'll be damned if it isn't HELEN HUNT. Unsurprisingly she's not credited, but this could well be a cameo from the Mad About Shoe star.

While granted I was half asleep at this point, my brother, wide awake and riveted, swears the very same thing.

Any help here people? And yes, I realise that it is trivial, but that is what the TRIVIA section is for, no? And seeing as AITO trivia is a little thin on the ground, let's all band together to give its imdb page a bit of substance.


OK nice work team, none of you chose to watch this abysmal movie to find helen hunt. Where's your dedication? In answer to my question, Yes, she does make a cameo. Lucky the Disney channel has a 3 movie lineup from which it can select. I believe I've only seen Labyrinth 3 times this month.


I just watched it last night, and I'm pretty certain that is not Helen Hunt.


I just noticed the same thing; in fact, that's what brought me to IMDb today. I displayed the page for AITO and searched for "hunt," and that's how I found this posting. I stepped through that scene carefully, one frame at a time, and the woman in question certainly does look a lot like Helen Hunt, although her face seemed rather thin.

I'm evenly divided in my own mind about whether that really was Helen Hunt. On the yes side, it does look very much like her, and movie people do enjoy little pranks like this, and the woman did walk very close to the camera for maximum possible recognition. On the no side, Hollywood has an amazing number of non-related lookalikes. For instance, I have trouble telling Tobey Maguire from Jake Gyllenhaal, and the actor who played the mayor of Gotham City in the original Batman looked a hell of a lot like former New York mayor Ed Koch.

We probably won't figure this one out without help from an insider.
