Is this quote in this movie?

Can anyone tell me if this quote is in this movie...
"Run home, run home. Run home, Run home"?????????????

It's driving me nuts to know where that is from.
I would really like it if anyone could tell me.

Laters movie buffs!!


Yeah it is.

That little kid (Marvin?) says it during the snadlot game.


yeah it is. when the kids are playing baseball, and danny glover's character tells the little kid who doesn't know what to do how to play. he's on first, i believe, and the kid after him hits a home run. glover's character tells that boy on first to run home, so he does! and the whole time he's saying, "run home, run home..." hope that helps!!!! :)

hey you guyyyyyys!


Yeah, it is, but you might also be thinking of a line from "Hook" when the Pirates are playing baseball with Peter's son. They get "Home Run" backwards and start chanting "Run Home Jack! Run Home Jack!"

