Adrien Brody?

It's been awhile since I've seen the thing, but who is Adrien Brody in this movie? I know his character's name but I can't place him...

"So, Duffy, have any theories to go with that tie?" ~Paul Smecker, The Boondock Saints


He's the player that they pinch hit with b/c Roger sees an angel rubbing adrian's shoulders. He goes up, misses the first two strikes, but then an angel slows down the pitch for him and he hits it.

"Lets play dream phone!"


thank you so much! now to rent the thing on AMAzon. or call Disney and pelad for a rerun of one of their GOOD movies, lol.

"So, Duffy, have any theories to go with that tie?" ~Paul Smecker, The Boondock Saints
