brody looks so young

adrien brody looks so young in the movie. but he was so cute awww lol. he must've been 20 or 21.


i never even knew he was in the movie..until i took a good look at his face...but ur right..he does look really young..and so completely adorable!!!


I know i just watched the movie this morning!


yeah i didn't know he was in the movie either like i said he looked so cute.


Adrian was so AWWWWWWWdorable!!!!! And to think, at the time, he never would have imagined having to save his lady love from Kong!! LOL

I'm A New Found RUMRUNNER!

I Roonil Wazlib!


i saw this movie for the first time since i was little a few yrs ago and Adrien Brody looked so young and cute, awwww. love him
