Petulant Frost

I am in the middle of season three. Why is Frost so petulant with women (non-work context)? His wife, his SIL, the housekeeper Kate.

He is not irritable and phobic with the Nurse, but the way he treats her, by being absent-minded and laissez faire, makes me think that Kate the housekeeper would be a great match for him. She is sort of like a doormat, or a loyal pooch, happy to see him home, but okay with being a sideline. Of course, I think Frost's wife was probably like that, very 1950s housewife, but then got bitter and hurt when he was always gone with his irregular and sudden work commitments.

Anyway, what's the psychoanalysis on this situation?


I think he's typical of middle-aged husbands who are suddenly alone. He goes from a long-term relationship where he was comfortable and didn't have to think about making someone else happy. Now he's out there, kinda lost, not sure if he's able to maintain a relationship, or even if he wants one. His track record isn't that good. He was a disappointment to his wife and he messed things up with Eileen.

I think he's a bit prickly because (1) he doesn't want to be hurt and (2) he doesn't know what he wants.

Editing after watching a couple of episodes with Kate. I think Jack was put off because she was trying to mother him. And she came on too strong. Jack hadn't encouraged her at all, and she's fixing him supper, and touching him.

Plus, Kate's kinda dumb.


I thought he was unnecessarily unpleasant to his SIL. ok she is slightly irritating but didn't come accross as nasty or bad. It seems frost went out of his way to be offhand and drive her away.
