About That Spoiler

I know I must've offended some with wanting Griffin to
die in a possible future Party Of Five reunion movie.Well
the answer is real silly,kinda lame if I do say so myself.
But I kinda thought of bringing a little tragedy in this
already heavy drama and I had Griffin's death scene as a
silly 2008 rip off of Claire Danes's death bed scene as Beth
in Little Women.Told ya it be crazy.And for a crazier and
sillier reason,he did something silly in 1997-he got married.
And never had any children in 1998-I am really into the num-
ber eight I was born October 8.Man,am I crazy or what?Still
if they do a movie I just hope Griffin lives with Stephanie
and their kids happily ever after.I love Griffin.I just have
an odd way of showing my love for certain characters from t.v.
I still sort of want Zack of Bones to come back with hair to
his shoulders and with a darker and more edgy image?And that's
not the Zack we Bones fans know and fell in love with!And yet I
like to add a little shock.As soon as I watch Jeremy in all his
Party Of Five episodes more clearly I'll have more to work with.
If I ever become a writer then and I get a little say in the scripts.
Thank you for hearing me out and I appolijize if I offended anyone.


You didn't offend anyone because quite frankly, no one gives a damn.


Right back at you,jerk!
