Final Episode

I've been watching the Party of Five re-runs on MuchMoreMusic, and am on the third last episode. I figured out from checking the episode guides that this channel is not playing the final episode. Does anyone know where I can watch this episode, or download it?


Other than the torrents you may have a difficult time finding an online download. If you want a brief synopsis go to this IMDB page and scroll down to the final (two) episodes of season six "All's Well That Ends Well":


Like Felbert said, I think you'll have a hard time finding it to download. However, if you go to they have detailed episode guides, and in all is a GREAT PO5 fansite. is the direct link to the guide to the last episode.

Keep the faith, Matt.


They did play the final episode. However, most guides mistakenly listed it as "Pilot". When the finale first aired (wow, 9 years ago!), it was presented as a 2-hr episode. But in reality, it was 2 episodes put together (“All’s Well...” and "...That Ends Well”). The recent guides put the entire title on the 2nd last hour, thus creating the wrong title for the last hour.

If you wait a few months, they’ll replay the final episode (right now, they're around S2/S3). But, who knows if they’ll have the correct title.
