Most annoying character

Griffin. Mumbling, stuttering idiot. God, he made me hate Jeremy London, and I think he's a good actor. Every second he's on screen is a misery. He's never ever happy, always verbally handicapped and miserable.

Add yours with reason why.


Griffin once taken over by Jeremy London is gorgeous!And
although I respect your opinion,I'd say the following annoy
me,main characters Charlie Salinger,Erica from Ready Or Not
and Falsies,Daphne,the stripper,Justin Thompson,and guitsr
player Dan from Loves Me Not and Kiss Me Kate.


Bailey for sure. i haven't seen the last two seasons but as a teenager he is such a prick. he's always about making sure he gets his own way, treats Kate and Sarah like crap and is completely self obsessed. he's an even bigger *beep* in S3 but then i can finally sympathise with him. i couldn't stand his attitude when Sarah asked him to back off. he was being borderline abusive and wouldn't even listen to her

Julia also had her moments early on. one thing i hated was that she shamelessly started dating Justin after he blatantly broke up with her best friend to date her and this was never addressed properly. she didn't feel guilty at all. and then her attitude when Claudia was spending time with Griffin, can you say bipolar? but she got better eventualy

There's something about flying a kite at night that's so unwholesome


Mine are Charlie,Erica-Griffin's ex,his mean dad who is now
on Bones,and Ned!


In the beginning I didn't mind Julia, but as I've been watching season 3 she's been getting on my nerves big time. She really doesn't care about anyone but herself, and I understand she's 17 but still these aren't normal circumstances, so that's why I don't like her.

Team Andrew Garcia!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Was Julia that selfish towards Griffin too?


Difficult to say, as this is the most depressing and irritating series ever.

It's a pity, but for me, any character the leads on this play, I have a knee-jerk dislike for, with a depressed headache.
