Owen's SORAS

Who else hated that the writes made Owen older than he was suppose to be.
He was 9 month old in the first episode and in season 5 he's like 6 or 7 years old.
I think they made a mistake by turning Owen into more than an extra. The whole feeling neglected because Charlie had a kid story, and the even worse story of Charlie vs. Bailey custady battle were bad and didn't make sense.


Not many series can handle a newborn, they dropped the newborn immediately after the very first episode. Through the early years Owen was replaced by TWO sets of twins Taylor and Brandon Porter (94-95) and then Andrew and Steven Cavarno (95-98) and yet again they replaced Owen in the final seasons with Jacob Smith (98-00). Three distinct Owens in six years makes Owen a bit more difficult to follow. Jacob Smith was rather quiet and stiff so he didn't really shine much overall in my opinion.


My point was that Owen should have never been SORASed.
If they wanted to show Charlie as a single parent in season 5, they could've used Owen. Bailey, Julia and Claudia weren't living at home and it would've been better than the Daphnie/Diana story line.


I wonder if Owen was really even necessary? It seems as if he was just a cute little kid brother "extra" most of the time. I could maybe see if he was closer to Claudia's age, maybe three or four years younger than her or even a twin of Claudia's. Hey, that would have been a great plot idea, having Claudia have a twin brother in Owen; there would be lots of plot possibilities there as they went thru their middle school, then adolescent years together!


Owen as a twin brother of Claudia or a younger one is a bad idea. It means that they would've had to give him story lines of his own and the show was dense enough with the other siblings and their friends stories.
Besides, it would've negated a lot of Cloudia's character as the kid sister and that would've been bad 'cause Claudia was and still is one of the best kid/teen characters on TV.


True there...I actually think they could have done without Owen since Claudia is neat as a kid sister and she makes a cute youngest of the clan. Four kids would have been perfect.


I think Owen was necessary to the show, especially to Charlie's and Bailey's development.
As I said before, he should have stayed an extra and not SORASed 2 or 3 years up.


I don't know, I think Charlie and Bailey had their own strong storylines and development without being dependent on Owen. Some of the fights Charlie and Owen had were spectacular on their own.


When did Charlie and fought? Before season 5 he almost nver spoke, and by the middle of season 5 he was with Bailey.
If anything, Charlie and Claudia had spectacular fights in the early seasons.


Them also...but Bailey and Charlie also fought as well. I still think it would have been better if Claudia were the youngest.


Owen was not newborn at the beginning of the series.. he was at least 6 months old.



I used the term newborn in the sense that he was indeed a VERY young baby. The Salinger parents had died, I don't believe they gave a specific date of birth in relation to the parent's deaths.

The Soap Opera Rapid Aging Syndrome is obvious. The tiny baby (twins) that were seen in the pilot episode were the Ahnert twins (uncredited), which were IMMEDIATELY replaced in the following episodes by the Porter twins, and in a short time they were replaced by the Cavarno twins and finally in the end was replaced by Jacob Smith.

'Four sets' of actor changes in six years. Jacob Smith joined the cast at the age of EIGHT, approximately three years older than Owen should have been.


When Jacob Smith joined the cast in season 5, I guess that Owen was probably around 4 or 5 at that time.
