MovieChat Forums > Party of Five (1994) Discussion > CLASSIC Bailey party lines!

CLASSIC Bailey party lines!

Actually, I’m hooking up with the guys..!

I’m gonna need another pitcher first..!

Just enough to warm me up, no more..

Am I even gonna feel this?

Well, the incentive plan called for a beer a page, so...

I’m inspired by your greatness, Cal! If you can write like that with four beers in your system, think what I can do with ten!

Here you go, take the edge off..!

Hair of the dog! Surefire cure for a hangover..! Just sip it slow..

Come on, Will! What are we doing here?? This is a coffee house! They serve coffee!

What drinking since noon?! I had a couple of beers with lunch..!

You wanna help? Get lost!

Well, they SUCK!

Great! Bunch of PODS!

Could you top that off for me?

Hey, how was I supposed to know clowns are so expensive?!

Clowns are expensive! And very hard to book at the last minute..! “No, I can’t do it!” “Sorry, I’m busy..!” Jerks!

You know what, Grace? You tell too many people what to do. Maybe, if you were less of a bitch, more people would like you..!

Well, that pretty much SUCKED..!

Who the hell put that there?!

O God, don’t cry..! He’s crying!

I’m talking to my friend here, I’m teaching him how to be a man..!

To hell with all of you!!

I’m not upset! I just don’t wanna hear your stupid, whiny voice, now get the hell out!!

No party..! I was just celebrating..! Because.. [whatever]


I don't know why you've assembled these lines from times when Bailey was drunk and not just drunk but *alcoholic* drunk and called them 'classic' but to me it makes a joke of the severity of alcoholism.
They're not funny. They are from a time when he was fast becoming an alcoholic which is no joke at all.
Be careful.


And the word 'party' is problematic too.


