Space issue

I'm only in the first season but I've noticed that one of the topics that comes up often is the lack of space. The house in which the Salinger family lived is 6,705 square feet and has four bathrooms. I don't know how many bedrooms, but I'm guessing at least four plus space to improvise a better sleeping area than a tent in the dining room for Claudia. The parents died, which means that two fewer people lived there. Charlie moved in, resulting in a net population decrease of one. How did the family manage before the parents died? I know it's fiction, but the space thing is really a stretch. Anybody else think so?

I guess it's like Carrie's posh, big apartment in SATC that she afforded on a columnist's salary. Suspension of disbelief, I guess.

Here's where I got my data:



I believe Charlie lived away from home before the parents died. So originally it was the parents in their own room, presumably with Owen in with them. Julia and Claudia had to share while Bailey got a room to himself. The space issue gets resolved in season 2 when Bailey cleans out the attic and uses that as a bedroom, which Julia then occupies in season 3 when he's at college. Claudia had the tent in the living room until season 3 when there was a free room for her

I'm gonna die of long hair!
