I can't stand Kirsten

Insufferable. Why didnt they just give her the axe after season one? Nothing interesting about this character!





I was a little meh on her to begin with. But she had a wacky side in season 2 that I quite enjoyed. As time went on I felt a fondness for her

I'm gonna die of long hair!



i loved her because she was the best thing that could happen to charlie. they were so in love and i was so excited when she came back!



I remember watching this show on VHS as a kid and for some reason, my older sister (who got me into this and recorded the show) and I were in love with Kirsten and Charlie. I can honestly see what you mean, but back then, they were "the couple." As a 13 year old, I got a kick out watching him cheat on her with his ex and then her go behind his back with her colleague, acting like it wasn't a big deal and then giving him *beep* when he got upset about her secrecy about it all. It seemed like they always were at each other for something. It was sad when she got sick.

As I rewatch the series (just purchased DVDs 1 & 2), it blows me mind to see the show again. It hit me like bolt out of the blue that the very first episode I watched was the one where Kirsten tells Claudia that she's agnostic and that religion should be a personal choice, etc.. that conversation struck a chord with me and even today, is something I completely agree with!

This was a well-written show and I feel they did a good job using the Kirsten character the way that they did. Bravo! ;) (joke)


I couldn't stand her either! Especially when she went nuts for no reason.


