MovieChat Forums > Party of Five (1994) Discussion > How can I like a show made up of charact...

How can I like a show made up of characters I hate? LOL

I'm watching the show through Netflix; in the middle of season 2, and I rather enjoy it. But it seems funny that I like it, considering how much I despise the characters most of the time!

I find Claudia rude, disrespectful and annoying; there's atleast 2 occurances per episode where I want to smack her! Julia and Bailey are loud, whining children who cry over any little thing that doesn't go their way; they're both over-dramatic about everything.

I know a lot of people dislike Charlie because he's a scumbag with the girls. I totally agree; he can be a creep, but for some reason, I don't dislike Charlie as much as I dislike the others. (I DO like him a lot more when he's not sleeping around and with the same girl!)

Most of my favorite characters have been non-members of the family:
I love Kirsten!
I like Claudia's violin teacher, a lot of the other kid's teachers, the business co-owner.


Well,I only dislike a few but Griffin is my favorite since
Jeremy London took over the character how I wish they made a
spin off of his Griffin character but they didn't.That's okay
I have the dvd's to keep the memories.I thought Griffin was way
too good for this Erica girl who he dumps the second episode.
Then well there are only afew Idon't care for Erica,Daphne,Charlie,
Howie-the one Griffin owed money,and Col Holbrook,Griffin's unworthy
dad who didn't know he had a good son till it was too late.


I feel the same way with the cast from "Weeds" I can't get enough of the characters but I have a love/hate relationship for them.

Come visit my


I know this post is old. But I'm inclined to agree with you. I grew up watching this show and being obsessed with it. But I somehow failed to remember just how annoying the entire Salinger clan was.

All of them annoy me. All of them, all they do every episode is fight about stupid stuff and act like it's the end of the world.

Claudia just runs around the city like a feral child and nobody seems to care or notice. Many dramatic family scenes that end an episode have the whole clan there except Claudia cause she's off running wild around the city crying.

Julia, OMG. Those faces she makes when she's upset 100% of every episode. She fights with all her siblings and is incredibly immature wanting to run away with her 40 year old boyfriend when she's in Highschool.

Bailey, he always got a rod shoved up his behind. He's always jumping down everyone's throats and has this holier than thou air about him. Even when he becomes an alcoholic he's still better than everyone and just runs around the city drunk for like 20 episodes.

Charlie he's annoying like Jack from Lost. Always controlling always yelling, always has to be a jerk. And is it me or does he have a new girlfriend every season and he messes it up. He's portrayed as the nicest most decent guy ever yet he's always cheating or screwing up. Nice guys don't cheat.

And Owen. He has a nanny, he eats the nanny because suddenly his nannies disappear. All he does for 5 seasons is cry and be annoying. Then he transforms into a new person after a while. Weird.

Sorry I've just watched 3 seasons of this show in 4 days. I've had more than my fill of the good old Salinger clan.


I think that Charlie is the most amazing character on this show. He always made me cry and no matter what he whined about or did, I always saw his point of view.
I don't really understand why people dislike him, but most men at age 24 that had to give up their life to raise their 4 youngest siblings, probably wouldn't do it as easily as he did. He hated it, yes, but he knew what he had to do and he did it because he knew how important it was.
Charlie was stubborn. Needed convincing for a lot of things, but the most important thing to remember here is that he ALWAYS did the right thing. He was a good man, a good big brother and a great role model.
Not to mention, the character with the most growth on this show. He started off a scum bag and I was made at him for a very long time, but he grew up and did right by his family and fell in loveeeee. I could gush over him forever honestly. There hasn't been an episode since late S4 that I did not whine over how much I loved him. Even with the custody battle [which btw, proved he was right since Bailey did bail [rightfully so, but Bailey was definitely too young for that role].

Bailey is the most selfless character in TV history. To the point where it bothered me sometimes, but at the end of the day... an amazing person. A real leader. The fact that after everything he's given up, he was willing to stay behind so that Claudia and selfish Julia could go away, speaks volumes.

I wont even mention Julia. She is awful.

Claudia, as much as she did get on my nerves a lot in the earlier seasons, she was young. I don't hold it against her. You can't judge an 11 year old character the same way you'd judge a 20 year old one. It doesn't make sense. So Claudia was a brat. How many 11-12-13 year old girls AREN'T brats?

IMO, the characters on this show are very well written with the exception of Julia because I don't think the writers meant for her to be a hated character.
If it weren't for her, I'd have rated this show a 10. Because of her, I rated it a 7.


There are a lot of shows like this, where maybe you watch to feel better about yourself, becuase basically all the characters would be rotten people you wouldn't want to know in real life. I can't come up with a good name for it, but it's practically a sub-genre.

Married with Children
Arrested Development
It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia
Kath & Kim (USA)

The sun is shining... but the ice is slippery.


That's exactly how I feel! But that's what made the show great and different, they felt like "real" characters with big flaws.
