Charlie is living in LA LA land!
I am on Disc 4 of Season 5 DVD (later half) and so far it's been pretty good. It is not as bad as I had feared, based off of some of the reviews and polls I've read. The writing is still strong and the acting comes through just fine. However, I think we can agree that some of the characters are more likeable than others, and that Charlie takes the cake for being the ultimate arrogant assss. His decision to take Owen out of Daycare (Season 3 or 4) was highly questionable; his reasoning was that he couldn't take a chance with his brother being in a potentially dangerous environment. However, why do I get the feeling that the true reason he pulled Owen out was because the teacher encouraged (or dismissed) the cross-dressing issue because she consdidered it a healthy expression (or something along those lines). I think Charlie had a real problem with the way she viewed things and his macho ego got the best of him.
But as far as Season 5 is concerned, his treatment towards (responses to) the baby nanny (about Diana), Griffin ( about Claudia and then Ned), and Bailey (Owen's suspected LD) all make me want to smack him around. He goes around acting like he knows it all yet makes HUGE mistakes and never learns from them. He never admits he wrong. I commend his interest to keep Daphne & Diana together, but all the signs are there that Daphne is NOT adequate enough to be fit mother (right NOW). The woman has layers upon layers of issues to deal with and has openly expressed her inability to mother that child. This man is living in La La Land.
Now that I have expressed my feelings about Charlie, I seriously hope he grows some balls and finally (AND TRULY) apologizes to Kirsten for not marrying her and goes above and BEYOND to make it up to her. Why she even comes around, still, I seriously do not know.