am i the only one who remembers loving it as a kid but seriously can hardly remember any of it ...other than they had a ghost friend who would secretly write and try to help them solve stuff...
same here i remember watching the show and really liking it ...but nothing really seems to stick out for me from the show...maybe because i havent seen it whatsoever since i was a kid...dont even know where i could...maybe if i did it would bring some stuff back
sorry for that reply ...avoided any scary looking houses since lol...who scared you and why didnt you get them back?...maybe you dont remember so much because you were scared so bad you have blocked it all out of your mind ...maybe in some therapy dream trance it will all come back jk
I was also 3 when it came out but watched it again when i was slightly older but i still don't remember much of it. Except i really liked the show lol.
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LOL! That's just what I was thinking! XD I remember details but I can't tell you which episodes they belong to!
That's good though. As I sit here with my season 1 dvd set (which SHOUT Factory has on sale for $20 right now!) it's like discovering the show all over again!!! I hope they release the rest of the seasons eventually.
I can't believe it made it to dvd I know many popular sitcoms that don't even get a dvd set it just one season? ..i kinda want to rediscover some of my childhood too lol
I felt the same wave of nostalgia last summer and invited my older brother to watch a few episodes. The Max Mouse four-parter was particularly hilarious with it's exaggerated take on computer hackers and chat rooms. The Word War battle was awesome though. Nice twist at the end too. Didn't expect Max Mouse to be the quiet girl.
lol i know what you mean...I am more excited to watch them for nostalgia. Hopefully it will make me remember some more of the show. I mean i liked it but i was a kid haha. But im sure some of it will for sure remind me of my childhood :D
I completely forgot this show even existed until I was looking up one of the kids from "The Sandlot" and saw that he was in two episodes. I freaking loved this show!! But the only episode(s) I remember had that little purple thing and he would say something like "I'm burning mad. I'm steaming mad." When someone mentioned Max Mouse that sounded familiar too. Like someone was writing something anonymously and signing it Max Mouse?? Anyway, yes I loved it even though mostly what I remember was the bad acting on most of the kids parts haha.
Who from sandlot was on Ghostwriter? I will have to find that episode. Lol yea the acting was pretty bad I mean I even noticed it as a kid lol. But still the show sucks you in!
I had forgotten about the show entirely until a few years ago when I found the first episode on tape at the library. The name rang a bell, but all I could remember was something about a ghost, time travel, and a purple slime monster. Since then, I've watched a lot of the episodes on youtube and remembered a few more things, such as how much I hated Lenni's songs, and how bafflingly and even patronizingly stupid the show could be at times. Seriously, even when I was little, I was kind of insulted by how thoroughly they beat you over the head with every little clue. Yes, the homeless guy is her father, we got it already, we got it two and a half episodes ago, you can stop talking about it now, move on for goodness' sake!
Was I going somewhere with this? Oh yeah, I had forgotten most of it as well. Nonetheless, I'm glad I rediscovered it; it was awesome then, it's awesome now, even if it is a little stupid.
Cross my heart, smack me dead, stick a lobster on my head.