Where are they now
Like other GW fans I was trying to find the whereabouts of some the actors nowadays. The hardest ones to find are Sheldon Turnipseed and Todd Alexander who seemed to have disappeared. And also David Lopez.
Well thanks to the internet and information it appears this is Sheldon's linked page:
He changed his name to Tyrone Gabriel and joined the Navy years later. Looks like his picture too. Also you will notice Tran Am and Blaze are on Linkedin.
As for Todd. After lot of searching found out that his real name is Todd Cohen. He worked for William Morris Agency. He went into work behind the film screen and looks he is president of this company. His bio is on this page here and the pic looks like him?
David Lopez is suppose to be on instagram:
From the profile shot it may be him but I don't have instragram so didn't bother to create and look into it more...
If anyone has more information, correction or updates to these or other cast members please post!