MovieChat Forums > Friends (1994) Discussion > What's your favorite Chandler Moment or ...

What's your favorite Chandler Moment or Story Arc?

Thought this might be a worthwhile discussion with Matthew Perry passing away.

- I'll always love his Friendship with Joey.

- I liked the episode when Chandler and Joey wouldn't turn off the TV because they had free porn.


What? He's dead? Fuck.


I liked him and Rachel eating the cheesecake


I don't remember that episode.


It's a good one. Search it out.


That was hysterical


So good


I always thought Friends was extremely bland and vanilla, but I liked the extra-long episode where Chandler became addicted to alcohol and opiates.


I thought some might have something nice to say in the wake of Matthew Perry passing away. Chandler was always my favorite character. I'm also pretty tired of every time the Friends page gets bumped it's due to liberals racism towards whites.


Point me to the racism on this page.


Every single post complaining about Friends being too white.


I think it's great that non-liberals are embracing victimhood now too. We'll become one big, sad family.


There was nothing of that sort on this thread till you brought it up.


Other posts on the Friends page.


On a few other threads, yes. But this thread is for your favorite Chandler moments, not your least-favorite other threads.


Seven, Seven, Seven!


There's seven? 🤣


It's a quote from his girlfriend, Kathy's storyline.


I remember the episode.


I'm going to Yemen - when he realizes Janice isn't going away and he really has to take the trip. His saying that line and asking that local woman if he can stay with her always makes me lol.

Asking if the gum is sugar free and then saying it's perfection, following his inner monologue when he gets stuck inside the ATM vestibule...

Mascara goop

Telling Ross that his personal ad literally writes itself when he complains about his life and then saying, "What are you doing? You know I can only dish it out" when Ross asks him if he'll ever work again. A couple of lines later in this convo, he says, "Ah, the high road", when Ross tells him he threw the message away of a guy who called for Rachel. And further down he says, "I thought I got to make the jokes" - the whole scene is hilarious

This scene -

And probably a bunch more that I'm missing. He was by far the funniest and best character in Friends. RIP


Eddie the flamate.
Phobe's boyfriend with the revealing shorts.
Chandler getting Erica to change her mind about the adoption.
Pivot - Shut up, shut up, SHUT UP!!!!!
and so much more. :)


Chandler trying to teach Joey Cups so he can give him money without him knowing.


You're kidding, right? That's a full cup!!


Never really liked him that much, he often was a passive aggressive prick to be honest. Unnecessarily mean and jaded.
Funny thing is, I only noticed that when I watched Friends in English, not dubbed. In German, he seems way nicer.
