Professor Neweyes was the true villain of the story
Forget Screweyes, he was all talk. Neweyes was the real force of evil in the movie.
I mean, come on. A scientist from the future goes back in time and collects dinosaurs, force evolves their brains so they're just smart enough to be able to speak and reason on a fourth grade level, brings them to modern day New York and then just drops them off in the city with very vague instructions of finding a fellow scientist without any training or understanding of how modern life functions.
You swipe a creature out of it's native habitat, throw it into an environment it's not familiar with and then fly away to let them fend for themselves? What a dick. I mean, come on, this guy is supposed to be a professor. You'd think maybe he could just land his spaceship on the museum roof and drop the dinos off there. Parachuting them in to some random spot in the city was cruel and thoughtless. I mean, they could have landed and Riverside and been shot by Tupac. And that's terrible.
Screw Professor Neweyes. Unthinking idiot. You don't dump dinosaurs into a major city in 1993 and just hope they don't die.