MovieChat Forums > Wayne's World 2 (1993) Discussion > Mike Myers's original idea for WW2

Mike Myers's original idea for WW2

I read that Mike Myers had a completely different idea for WW2 before the studio decided to change it and make what eventually came out. I'm a fan of both movies but supposedly his version was much better.

Do you guys have anymore information on this? I'd like to know more about what Myers had in mind for the sequel. If there is a script out there or some news please post it.


I realize your question is from several years ago, but...

What I read was that Mike Myers wrote a script that had Aurora, Illinois seceding from the US and becoming an independent nation. I'm sure it went beyond that, but IDK. But they made him change it like 2 weeks before production was set to begin, so he came up with what is Part 2 in that timeframe.
