This Movie Is 25 Years Old, And Still Rocks
The only good movie that Tony Scott, brain-damaged sibling of Ridley Scott, ever made. Then Tony made Domino, WITH EXACTLY THE SAME SHOOTOUT CLIMAX as True Romance, and pissed half the originality of Tarantino’s narrative all away, revealing himself for the creatively bankrupt pustule that he is. This is probably the closest that Christian Slater ever came to giving a good performance; but the scene with Walken and Hopper is pure gold. The film is definitely worth watching. Hitchcock defined “a great movie” as one that has “three great scenes, no bad scenes.” True Romance has two great scenes—the one with Walken and Hopper, and the one with Gandolfini and Arquette—and no really bad scenes. Two stars, not three from Micheline. Watch. Enjoy.
I’ll take this over something like Baby Driver any day of the week, just like I’ll take Brooks Brothers over Gentlemen’s Warehouse.