On a scale of 1-10

What would rate this movie? I'd give it an 8.


I give it an 8. Definitely not without it's silly moments but overall it's still so entertaining and Oldman as Drexl has got to be the most intimidating/scary/gross/awesome villains of all time.


Probably a 7... I find Tarantino's dialogue grating to my ear sometimes, or simply silly in an early teens way... It's similar to how I feel about Woody Allen and Aaron Sorkin's dialogue as well...

I spent the first 20 minutes of watching Slater's character trying to figure out whether or not he is meant to be mentally challenged or just a moron...

Thankfully the film was made by Tony Scott therefore has his sensibility and the Tarantinoisms are a bit toned down or polished...

A fun rental, but not a film I'd rewatch... Although Patricia Arquette was stunning in this (beautiful woman) so that adds a point to get to 7 out of ten 😉


It would be a 9 for me.


I would give it solid 8. The dialogue was awesome and I enjoyed the characters. Everyone in this film is sleezy but they're understandable and likeable.


I'd give it a 9. I haven't seen it in years and when I saw it trending I figured that now is time for a rewatch. I have the dvd ready now I'm just waiting for the right time.


A 9.
ONe of my all time favourites.
I'm so happy the T. Scott directed it. Just imagine the motel fight with Tarantino zooms and Eastern sounds?

But this way, the motel Scene gets me everytime, goose bumps all over and the fight in Alabama!

Then Hopper and Walken - so sad because once Hopper asks for a cigarette you know what's coming and that he will protect his son! Awsome!

And then the final shoot-out. When Alabama screams "Clarence" in total despair.

Apart from that, Oldman is just beyond great. Brad Pitt is so stoned it's just hilarious.

Cheezy but so well done that it's always mving to watch - the I love you in front of the billboard scene!


ONe of my all time favourites.
I'm so happy the T. Scott directed it. Just imagine the motel fight with Tarantino zooms and Eastern sounds?


Tarantino did his work. His clarity here unfortunately has never been repeated.

It is truly an American classic. {{{Arguably}}} upon gross examination---a national treasure.

*Sizemore straightened up here.
*The Elvis inclusion is, at first blanch exhilarating. It loses something on repeat viewing because it is blessedly limited.
"The electric blue credits on top of old Detroit stirs your heart to a trip hammer cadence.
*The aforementioned (motel scene) is a full production sex sequence= wet, older man/girl, bloody/full blooded, constant movement of bodies in violent interaction.
*This is pure American film.

Fine citation, MR. You done good.


A solid 8 for sure. A fascinating, gritty and intense movie with dark humor and twisted moments, it caught my attention right off with Clarence's Elvis conversation. He's a reckless but wonderful character in an uncertain world. It's he and Ms. Alabama against the odds!


All star cast. 9.
