y didnt dwight mistreat his own kids?
1st rule to being an abusive step- parent. NEVER abuse your own kids.
Hubba Hubba, my name is Bubba.
I don't remember him interacting much with them except to tell Skipper to shut his 'G.D. piehole' .... that's mistreatment as far as I'm concerned.
shareHe did mistreat them.. emotionally but not physically the way he mistreated Toby. The elder kids moved away as soon as they could.
shareHe was pretty nasty to them, too. I guess they were used to it and kept quiet around him so he wouldn't get angry.
shareBecause his kids had grown up with Dwight and his ways. They knew how to avoid setting him off and if they did cross the line it didn't take much for Dwight to put them back in their place. Toby on the other hand had to be broken so Dwight had to take it to the extreme to try and have his way. It was a constant battle.