Caroline was a punk beotch
She should have had some balls and intuition.
I think it was harder to leave an abusive marriage then than it would be now. In that time era there weren't a lot of options for working women, so leaving Dwight would put her and her son on the verge of being homeless. I would probably choose an abusive husband if it meant putting food on the table and a roof over my son's head.
Jack confronts his mother and she says it herself; she didn't have a "get-up-and-go" left in her. All she could do at that point was to look at the positives and hope things would change.
She eventually did grow some balls and left, albeit years later. But would she have left if she didn't have a promising Washington D.C. job waiting for her? Probably not.
This is my signature.
Some men are simply evil. I actually have a sister in an abusive marriage right now. Her husband is much like Dwight. Same "little man" syndrome (that's what my sister calls it), gotta make up for it by making everyone else in his life miserable. She's been wanting to leave him for awhile, but for the moment, she's pretty much stuck. Without an education to get her a good job to support her and the 3 kids she'd end up destitute. She had been going to school for a semester, but it seems now he's screwed that up too, at least for now. He has verbally abused her from the beginning and is now starting to physically abuse her (and possibly the kids - but that's another story).
She has done nothing to warrant this kind of treatment. She has done nothing but work her ass off for him and the kids for 6 years, doing her best to be "the model wife". Basically a 1950's stereotype. If she files for divorce, he'll do everything in his power to take the kids away from her. He'll lie to make her look abusive, or whatever it takes, just so his reputation is kept intact. But he would have to marry again to be able to take care of these kids (all under 8), as he never lifts a finger with diapers and such.
Much like Jack, I stayed with them (only for 6 weeks, couldn't take his behavior any longer). I witnessed her husband's horrible actions, the way he talked to her, cussed her out, and dismissed her feelings and opinions. All while she is running around, unpacking boxes, signing kids up for school, and being pregnant at the same time. I told her if I were her, I'd have been gone way before. But she made me see how hard it can be.
So as you can see, it can be very difficult, even in this day and age for some women to leave an abusive marriage.
She's talking about coming stay in our parents basement, but I know she would never do that with 3 kids. At this point, she's going through it for their sakes. I can only hope she can get out of this *beep* up situation as soon as possible... maybe we can convince her.
Yes, it was harder for women then but she must have been pretty stupid. She went for one man after the other, then arbitrarily picked one to stay with for years -- the wrong one -- because she didn't want the stigma of a failed marriage. Stupid in anyone's language, and resulted in giving her son a miserable life. Luckily, he was devious enough to get out of it.
shareShe should have never allowed her child to be mistreated no matter what she had to do. She was abled bodied and thus there was no excuse. She eventually became fed up and spoke out for herself, what she didn't do for her child.