Trading Rifle for Dog

I have no love for Toby. Kid was a brat (at least as portrayed in the film). But when Dwight traded his beloved rifle for that mongrel mutt, that was a real **** move. Toby should have taken Dwight's car, and traded it for a REALLY nice rifle, and told Dwight that it was a good trade. Then shot him with it. Er wait, that's going too far. But yeah, teach him what a **** move it is to sell/trade what isn't yours to sell/trade.


After reading your post, I realize that there's a really good spoof of this film just waiting to be made. Not to say that the film doesn't already have some humorous moments, but a actual comedic spoof would be hilarious.


It wasn't a mongrel mutt, it was a purebred English Bulldog. But yeah, Dwight was an as**hole.


I loved his defense, "I trade some useless piece of crap for a valuable hunting dog, and all you do is piss and moan. PISS AND MOAN. I'll just let you do your own deals from now on!" SUCH a jerk!!!!!


Dwight new a thing or two about a thing or two. It was a sweet deal.
