MovieChat Forums > This Boy's Life (1993) Discussion > Was Dwight 'deficient' in sexual life?

Was Dwight 'deficient' in sexual life?

Maybe I missheard Tobby's mom talking on the phone 'he is just shy', referring to Dwayne? If so it really adds to the whole picture of him being a looser who takes it out on others.


Also, did anyone get a feeling the story might take a bloody turn as they were all watching the news mentioning a famous family where boy killed his stepfather?



I think she was in denial. The guy was a worthless talking pile of pig
sh*** in my book. He ruffed her up in bed and she didn't want to
take a hint right then and there that she picked another lemon.

Yeah the news part had me thinking. Like the kid would hear the
report and get some ideas. Bad timing considering the jackass
stepfather was messin with him since day 1.


She was on the phone to some friends and she was referring to the step-kids. She said 'no, i wouldn't say they're shy, we're still getting to know each other'. Dwight was obviously not sexually impotent - he raped Ellen Barkin's character and i would guess that they did it 'doggy style' every night, because it 'was his house' and thats the only way he would do it. I think he had some issues in the bedroom...after all he said that he hated to see the woman's face during sex.




She was on the phone to some friends and she was referring to the step-kids. She said 'no, i wouldn't say they're shy, we're still getting to know each other'.

No, she wasn't referring to her step children, she was talking about Dwight. His kids were nice to her and she liked them - it doesn't take a genius to figure out what she was referring to when she said that. She was talking about how he was in the sack, and then she quickly changed the subject.

Darling, you can't rape a townie......


I think it's fairly obvious what was going on in that scene. The chick just married the dude, and got her ass roughed up and felt embarrassed to admit it to whoever she was talking to on the phone.

She didn't want to tell her friend/family whoever that he held me down and shagged my ass like a dog, now did she?


He's a real character, dumbass.

This movie is based off a memoir. Get your facts straight before you spout out bull.

"Stop saving the world and get a hobby." - Seto Kaiba



He's a real character, dumbass.



toby wolf said in an interview, no he did not know abbout his mama & dwight's sex life nor would he want to.
it's not mentioned in the book. & toby wolf says that scene was put in for dramatic purposes.
I always thought before knowing this, he had his ear to the door, looked throgh key holes, or could hear them at night.

I like your show,I admire your style, but your pays so cheap, I won't be back for a while.


The mom CLEARLY liked the rough stuff, why else would she ALWAYS choose rough and violent man?

I mean, one after another...

Dwight clearly had control issues (not wanting to see the woman's face is about feeling intimidated for she would be able to see him totally vulnerable), NOT about him being gay (if it was him being gay, he would simply ask her to don football jersey, pads and helmet).


It's not that she liked the rough stuff, she always chose these kind of men due to low self esteem. She didn't think she deserved better. That's what always lead some women back to violent men.


No, they date abusive men for the thrill; they like the 'bad boys' the danger element thrills and excites them, they will always go for the thug over the nerd, any time, then they will whine when they get their comeuppance and get beat to hell, then they will go back and date exactly the same guy again. Esteem doesn't factor into it, it is genetically-encoded lusting for the alpha male stuff, very primal. A woman doesn't respect a man she can push around, so they go for men that demonstrate strength, and violence is often equated to virility- reminds me of the scene in Goodfellas when Bracco's character gets turned on handling the bloodstained gun.


"get their comeuppance"??? You're a moron.

People tend to repeat destructive patterns because that's what they know. When women go from one violent spouse to another. When molested or abused children grow up to molest or abuse. It's what love feels like.





I don't think his attitude towards gays was uncommon at the time. Don't forget that this was the era in which the government passed gays off as "diseased."


Did you really pay attention while you watched "This Boy's Life"?

If you had, you'd know that the news story being reported on TV was about the case in which Lana Turner's daughter, Cheryl Crane, stabbed Lana's abusive thug boyfriend, Johnny Stompanato.

Dwight was an immature alcoholic. He'd probably been bullied when he was a boy. So when he had an opportunity to be an 'authority figure' over Jack, he bullied him, mocked him and worst of all, abused him. Dwight had probably been bad to his own children ( notice that the youngest daughter had hair loss, probably from stress, when Jack and Caroline had first visited) but step children are always more abused by that type than a man's biological children.]


Yeah the part where they are watching the Johnny Stompanato case on tv was creepy, not least because De Niro slowly turns to DiCaprio's character with a weird look on his face. Kind of a "I f/cking dare you to try it" look.

Sucks to have a childhood with that lunatic involved.


Haven't seen the movie in years, but from what I recall he was partly impotent and unable to become intimate with anyone, which is why Dwight got into that rough doggy style session with Ellen Barkin (trying to turn himself on without embarrassing himself), probably also resulting in all those anger management problems.
I don't mean to impose, but I am the Ocean.


lol Ellen "Barkin", doggystyle. Sorry juvenile I know but I laughed



You first calling him Dwight, then Dwayne reminds me of that scene from "The Office." It did air after your post though. (Heck, your post was made when the American version was very new.) Jim pays everyone in the office five bucks to call Dwight "Dwayne," and Dwight reports him to human resources, LoL.

Yep, Dwight was deficient in his sex life and couldn't do it without at least the edge of force, and "shy" was Caroline's code for that. It wasn't a code the friend knew, of course, but Caroline seemed to be unable to really admit the total truth even to herself, let alone to anyone else.

I never thought the film would take a gory turn when Lana Turner's daughter's verdict was on the television. I just took it as it giving Tobias pause about liking to go that route but it never coming to that.
