some corrections - synopsis
I think there are 2 mistakes in the synopsis. I hope you agree.
Nov 8, 1942: [...] The Lt. goes out first along with one of his men,NOT! Otto (Sylvester Groth)BUT! Fritz Reiser(Dominique Horwitz).NOT! Otto BUT! Fritz and a Russian trade breads as they gather their wounded. …
[…]However, when they get deeper in the sewers she pushes him into the water and runs away. Fritz (Dominique Horwitz), one of the Lt.s men, finds the Lt. and helps him to safety. Emigholz (Heinz Emigholz), who they brought for luck, is found with his leg blown off. As they carry him off, they discover a Russian woman and her children hiding(NO!and give them some bread) as they move along ( BUT!then, Russian soldiers pass by and one of them asks her about the way German soldiers went and gives her some bread).
All the best