JUST NOTICED - blink and you'll miss it
Alright, this movie has been on cable way too much these past few weeks and I can't help but watch it for at least a little while. . .
I just noticed that in the scene where Carly first enters the building's courtyard Zeke and the therapist are seated at a bench in the background, perhaps in the middle of a session.
It's a great touch that I'm sure many like me have totally missed.
It makes Zeke's character even creepier when you think about the later scene in the monitor room with the therapist's office displayed. He is there dictating diagnoses and seems to be describing Zeke - a non-paranoid schizophrenic who is highly dangerous.
Having now seen JAGGED EDGE, BASIC INSTINCT, this, and JADE, taken together, I think it's fair to say that Ezsterhas really does love his psychopathology.