According to Phillip Noyce Sharon Stone and William Baldwin disliked each other and demanded that their scenes be filmed separately whenever possible.
This is the stupidest thing I have ever read. Considering they are ALWAYS in scenes together, including the sex romps- wouldn't that have proven a tad...impossible? Who the hell comes up with these lies?
Notice the "when possible".. Carly has more screen time and a good number of scenes without Zeke... Even if its a scene of them together does not always mean its Mr.Baldwin and Mrs.Stone on camera at the same time. A close up on her she could be talking to a stand in off camera and vise versa.
I do wish IMDB would have sources for their trivia....but if you don't trust IMDB for this kind of information, you have to ask yourself what source would you trust?
I will concur with the above poster and say that the key phrase in the trivia's claim is "whenever possible". Even simple conversations can be shot without the other person in the room - you simply edit it together. Now, with "Sliver" arriving at the dawn of CGI we can't expect any of the sex scenes were in any way other than they appear to be. But you have to ask yourself what the motivations would be for everyone (Stone, Baldwin, Eszterhas, Noyce, etc) to make up such rumors.
Here's a link with some good tidbits - these claims are made directly by this online source so if you're really upset about it (which is seems!) you can contact them directly -
thanks for sharing dyamark I like the movie version better I like how they made jack the killer not zeke in the final movie theater cut... zeke was too fine Id hate for him to have been the killer ;p
I agree - I don't have a site to back this up but over the years (I'm 35) and all of her films I've watched, there seems to have been a lot of Hollywood "gossip" about her being a very, very assertive woman. If she didn't like Baldwin I'm sure she was not shy about voicing her opinions of him...
"Hey guys! Whoa, Big Gulps huh? All right! Well, see ya later!" Dumb & Dumber