Stockard at her best

This film was very funny and good. Targeting the 'phony' lives of the well to do with an almost farcical approach. All the cast were good in their roles, even Will Smith did his best though I could see he wasn't entirely comfortable playing the 'gay' scenes of his character. But this wasn't a 'naturalistic' play, these characters were in many ways caricatures employed by the writer to poke both blame and fun at.

But the real stand out is Stockard - the way she balances the comedy and the humanity of the character is spellbinding. She conveys so much with just a look - making you laugh at the absurdity of their situation and at the same time revealing the layers of pain. The scenes where she talks about how Paul was better to her than her own children was very powerful. And she makes the comedy look so effortless. She is a very underrated actress and comedienne.

Such a shame that these great roles are so few and far between for some of our best actresses.


I agree with virtually everything here. Especially about Stockard Channing. But I can't agree that this is her best. It's an outstanding performance but Abbey Bartlet and Risso will always be her best.

Even if this performance was better, you just can't beat those two. They're icons.


Many critics think it's her best. But she has so many roles under her belt (not to mention all of the Broadway she's done, likely her best since it's so raw), it'd be difficult to pin just one down. She was especially good in Silent Victory: The Kitty O'Neil Story. Kitty was deaf, and I have met Stockard several times and when I watch that, I actually forget that she's not really deaf. Imo.

~I am defying gravity, and soon I'll match them in renown...


I have met Stockard several times...

byflotusit77 » Sun Oct 9 2016 21:57:29

Any interesting anecdotes to go with that little side note? She seems like she'd be such an interesting and dynamic person.


Any interesting anecdotes to go with that little side note? She seems like she'd be such an interesting and dynamic person

She's actually fairly shy and reserved. I imagine she says little to random fans, usually. She'll sometimes ask where I got something (to be autographed) from, like really old playbills and such. She's always shocked at what I have. I usually put it all on my blog;

My mother told her she could have me. Stockard said "I can have her?!" and laughed. I told her since she didn't have kids and my mom had three it made sense that she adopt me. She laughed and said "Well, we'll talk about that later." That was meeting number three.

She did record the voice mail for my phone last meeting, but my dumb-ass didn't save it (she was getting ready to leave and I just didn't think about it). That was a pretty cool thing for her to do. I was certain she'd say no, but he was super cool about it. She lets me hug her and stuff. She just laughs.

~I am defying gravity, and soon I'll match them in renown...


