MovieChat Forums > The Secret Garden (1993) Discussion > When I was a little girl...

When I was a little girl...

... and I watched this movie for the first time, I was hooked. I always daydreamed about myself in the garden, being part of the story.


Me too! After I first saw this movie, I used to play "Secret Garden" in my back yard. I even had a big old iron key my mom found for me somewhere. Basically I would just carry it around the back yard looking and and talking to flowers, but in my imagination I was bringing an old English country manor back to life :)

"Why is it that every time I need to get somewhere I get waylaid by jackassery?"


Holy crap. I did the exact same thing when I was a kid! I'd play Secret Garden ALL DAY until my mom called me in for dinner. Then, I'd watch the movie again! :)

