Secret Garden Remake
Friends of mine are remaking the Secret Garden with a Steam Punk twist!
shareFriends of mine are remaking the Secret Garden with a Steam Punk twist!
shareI sincerely hope they fail.
shareWhy would you wish someone to fail? This seems like a neat idea. Why can't we be more supportive of our fellow humans? Wish them success. The karma would do you some good.
shareBecause its a bloody stupid idea.
shareSo you don't have to watch it. Wishing failure on someone just because you don't like their idea is also bloody stupid. Kindness will get you much farther in this life.
shareWishing failure on someone just because you don't like their idea is also bloody stupid
I would love to see an adaptation of the Broadway musical if they are going to do a remake.
"The end of the shoelace is called the...IT DOESN'T MATTER!"
Actually steam power has existed for more than three centuries, it is science non-fiction.
shareOkay, here's me from the future. Don't know what happened to your friends' remake, but The Secret Garden was remade in 2020 and it's crap. The 1993 version is still much better.
You are welcome - sincerely, The Future.