Which one do you ship?

Mary and Colin


Mary and Dickon?


Definitely Mary/Dickon!

I actually prefer Dickon/Colin to Mary/Colin. I saw a few fanfics with that pairing and thought it was just a joke but now I kind of like the idea. It reminds me of Maurice. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maurice_%28novel%29


Lmaooo, really?

brb searching for the fanfic

My friend and I agree that when they grew up, Mary still can't decided which one she wanna married. They will definitely have this serious love triangle... Mary love Dickon but he is poor, Dickon will feel guilty for marrying Mary because he's poor so he will 'act' like Mary should marry Colin, and Colin... the rich one, will spoiler Mary just to win her heart. It's kinda remind me of a movie that I can't remember! :D

But idk, I ship Mary/Colin since I was a kid.


I read those fanfics about 15 years ago so they may not be around anymore.

I actually didn't think Mary/Colin was even an option until I saw other people's opinions on the internet. Not only are they cousins but the ending of the story made it seemed like the three of them would be a family afterwards and Mary and Colin would be raised as brother and sister.

I also just like Dickon better.



I'm going with secret option #3: Neither!

They were both nice boys, but as people grow up their needs and interests and tastes change. It's the rare person that's able to be happily married to a person they had a crush on at the age of 10. Hopefully Mary grew up, went to school, went out into society, met at least one or two more men beyond the two boys she'd known as a child, and fell in love with someone new and suitable.

*Formerly Nothin_but_the_Rain*


I am also thinking Colin would not be an option. I don' t know if Dickon would be either but it's at least possible .They could all remain close with no romance involved.


Mary/Dickon of course. Always did, even when I was a little girl.

I watched it a few minutes ago thanks to HBO and now that I'm twenty years older, I can see that there was a natural chemistry between those two actors. I'd love to see them work together again.

It was definitely the kind of childhood romance that would develop into true love the older they got.

Make him do it again - Ilithyia
The voice says I'm almost out of minutes - Cas


None of them because they are children.

Love means never having to say you're ugly. - The Abominable Dr. Phibes


Aside from the fact that Mary band Colin are cousins (plus she's basically adopted by his father), Mary/Dickons of course.


Have you read Flambards? It reminds me of a more grown up Secret Garden with the Mary and Colin counterparts ending up together.

A young orphaned girl comes to live with her widowed uncle and his crippled son. She also befriends a stable boy who has an older sister who works for the family. The stable boy has romantic feelings for her but nothing happens and she ends up with her crippled cousin.

There are a lot of differences between the two books but those are the basic similarities.
