Timing Qyestion.
Saw this again this weekend, my 15-yr old wanted to watch "old school" movies, and one of the things that always bugged me about this great movie is the timing. If the modern part of the movie takes place when it was made in 1993, that's 31 years after the rest of the movie which means Bennie would have been in his mid 40s. Now a MLB player at that age is believable, althopugh rare, but not one that would still have the speed to be used to pinch run and then given the green light to steal home. Plus, the actor who played the older Bennie looks about 30, no where near 45ish. Just a small detail I know but one that I always questioned. If would have been more accurate to have established that the modern era part of the movie was set in 1983 to coincide with the '62 part.