Favorite Daniel Stern Line?
I don't know if it's just me, but Daniel Stern's character gave this movie it's comedic value. What do you think is his funniest line in the movie?
shareI don't know if it's just me, but Daniel Stern's character gave this movie it's comedic value. What do you think is his funniest line in the movie?
shareHis funnies actions/line by far occurs on the plane ride when he is sitting next to henry and he bags up his piece of chocolate cake.
"and voila, breakfast...(screaming)Conservation henry, managing resources, thats the key to baseball, (hits tray-table and food goes flying)"...(sal's voice in distance) "briiiiickmayer"
I can't remember many, I used to have this on tape, but I taped over it. I guess mine is when he talks to Henry about hot ice in the locker room.
This is my signature, nice eh?
Well, if you want to catch up with this movie, it is out on video and dvd, and you can see it in its entiredy without the commericals, and there are shorten tv comannies that love to edit movies, and those are the ones that have commericals, right of hand I don't think I can come up with a favorite Daneil Stern line.
I can't remember many, I used to have this on tape, but I taped over it. I guess mine is when he talks to Henry about hot ice in the locker room.
This is my signature, nice eh?
Hot ice: "It's the best of both worlds!"
shareDefinitely, the line of, "remember the three R's of baseball, readiness, recuperation, and conditioning." LOL!
If you can steal an idea, why can't you plant one there instead? — Saito
I thought his character was very UN funny
Look, I know you're a smart lawyer - very smart - but don't get smart with me.
I don't know why and it wasn't really funny, but I love "I ain't seen the floater pitch since Scuffy Mcgee!" My friends and I would say that line for weeks after seeing the movie.
2 things. 1.) That is your opinion. 2.) You are wrong.
I thought his character was retarded. Daniel Stern was the director and he made his character out to be a huge moron. But I did think the part where he got stuck between the two hotel doors was pretty funny.
shareBrickma and Henry approach two ladies at a party.
Brickma: Excuse me, ladies...
The ladies smile, waiting for his next words.
Brickma waits, then repeats: Excuse me!
The ladies, confused, step aside, revealing a pinball machine they were blocking.