It's nearly impossible for Henry to be getting more strikeouts than Chet. Yes, Henry can throw 101-104 mph, consistently. But, fastballs (especially 4-steam, like Henry's) are the easiest pitches to hit because they have no movement. In the montage of Henry getting continuous strikeouts, they keep showing the batters missing a breaking ball. Henry can't throw anything but a fastball. It's impossible to get 3 strikes on a hitter like Barry Bonds with just fastballs.
EDIT: Plus, the big hitter in the game with the Mats, Heddo should have appeared before Henry's arm lost the heater. He struckout the order three times in a row, and then in his fourth inning of work, Heddo comes up? So, Heddo wasn't in the starting lineup, and then he was a pinch hitter? A big guy like him?
If you can steal an idea, why can't you plant one there instead? — Saito