Glorified TV Movie.
Seriously, nothing about this movie comes off as a masterpiece. It's just cheap, cheesy legal melodrama.
Tom Hank's acting was wooden, and the script sounded like an 80's PSA on AIDS and Gay people.
I was expecting some depth, but the film treated its audience like idiots. I doubt that people were much less enlightened about Gay rights than they are now. People go into debt going into law school because of movies like these, portraying lawyers as "heroes." Why it won 2 oscars is beyond me (well, not really).
I just don't know how the average person could sit through this film without rolling their eyes continuously. The movie may have had potential, but the execution is just dreadful.
Maybe they should have made a sequel where Andy's family fights with Miguel over the settlement payout because Gay marriage is not legal in Pennsylvania. The director could have milked that for all it's worth.
The film is just showing its age. It's a badly painted portrait of American legal history. Almost Erin Brockovich bad.