Moon Palace as a movie

Does anyone think 'Moon Palace' would make a good film ? It would be interesting ,I think 'Moon Palace' is a great novel.I also like 'Mr Vertigo' but I could never get into 'The New York Trilogy'.I see that 'In the Country of last things' is in production'


I think making any Auster book into a film is a diffuclt task. His books often times are so much more about concepts and ideas as opposed to plot. Therefore, they can be very abstract. That sort of things is hard to transfer into a successful narrative film.


Yeah I guess you're right.


I really hope as few as possible of Austers novels are made into movies. I'm not sure The Music of Chance will ever look the same to me again (And not in a good way), and I hope I'll never fall from the temptation of watching another one. Auster is my favorite author of all time, and I really don't want him giving away his works to the people with the scissors.
