I was SO mad at Ed

when Laura showed up to the wedding reception because I thought he was going to take her back!

I thought it was going to show Laura and Ed reconciling after an "emotional exchange", but Ed stood his ground and I was so happy to see him stand up for himself and tell her she needed help and only after she got help would he even talk to her. I was also happy to hear him say he would do everything he had to do to protect the children. Ed had "seen the light" on how destructive Laura's issues were and how dangerous she could be.

If there was a sequel you know it'd be about Laura violating a restraining order to blow him away! She was really far gone.


It's a very good and highly underrated film, this and you do almost cheer for Ed at that moment!

What Ed did was pretty much the best 'happy ending' you could expect from such a story, but for many men it does not end so happily.
The most shocking part is the sort of men who end up as victims of this kind of abuse, though. Everyone expects it to be the puny, weak, nerdy guys under the wife's thumb... More often, it tends to be the kinds who everyone would call "a REAL man".

Everyone knows about domestic abuse toward women, but so few will even entertain the idea that men can and do suffer the same fate just as easily.
