This film should be out on DVD
Since Lorimar produced it and Warner Bros. owns the Lorimar library they should release the film, the heck with what those groups that represent some women think.
shareSince Lorimar produced it and Warner Bros. owns the Lorimar library they should release the film, the heck with what those groups that represent some women think.
shareIt is rarely televised because of the flak from feminist groups. They deny female on male domestic violence exists, or has any relevance.
shareIt's okay if films such as The Burning Bed, Enough, Tracey Thurman, Donna Yaklich, etc. are shown, but if it's the other way around, those misandric groups scream bloody murder.
shareWhich is sad because it sends out the message that male victims don't matter. *Shakes head*
Truck or Squad. What side are you on?
I am a female & I find it DESPICABLE that these so-called 'Women's Groups' would protest the showing of this film!
What, do women think they experience all the relationship violence in the world?!!
Its more common for women to be abused, yes.
But that does not mean it doesn't happen to men! Or that men don't deserve a voice.
I find it even more disgusting that the networks caved in to these groups!
I'd say this cloud is Cumulo Nimbus.
Didn't he discover America?
Penfold, shush.