MovieChat Forums > Man's Best Friend (1993) Discussion > The Score Music on the intro. credits.

The Score Music on the intro. credits.

Does anyone know where I can get that wonderful score music at the beginning of the film? I believe it is by Joel Goldsmith but it is not on the soundtrack.



That cue is definitely composed by Joel, but since when is there a soundtrack release for this film?


actually, ive been also looking for this score for years so if anyone knows anything about it please tell me, too. thanks.

"I felt just like a baby, until i held a baby" - Jack White


Ive got the score if anyones interested?


I would love to have it, please. The e - mail address is :
[email protected]

Dawn of the Dead ´78 is the best movie ever.


Im interested.

Let's put a smile on that face!


Ive actually got the whole score if anyones interested?


i am. i even sent you a pm but i never got a reply.

Let's put a smile on that face!


hi ya sorry about that send us your email again and i will see what i can do


sent it.

Let's put a smile on that face!


Just curious if you're still sending this out?
My e-mail is [email protected] and I would absolutely love to get a copy somehow.
Let me know if this is possible? Thanks . . .

