The Score Music on the intro. credits.
Does anyone know where I can get that wonderful score music at the beginning of the film? I believe it is by Joel Goldsmith but it is not on the soundtrack.
shareDoes anyone know where I can get that wonderful score music at the beginning of the film? I believe it is by Joel Goldsmith but it is not on the soundtrack.
Ive got the score if anyones interested?
shareI would love to have it, please. The e - mail address is :
[email protected]
Dawn of the Dead ´78 is the best movie ever.
Im interested.
Let's put a smile on that face!
Ive actually got the whole score if anyones interested?
sharei am. i even sent you a pm but i never got a reply.
Let's put a smile on that face!
hi ya sorry about that send us your email again and i will see what i can do
sharesent it.
Let's put a smile on that face!
Just curious if you're still sending this out?
My e-mail is [email protected] and I would absolutely love to get a copy somehow.
Let me know if this is possible? Thanks . . .