The T-Rex was not hunting the humans at that point. Not even sure it was hunting the Gallimimus, but simply got lucky that the herd moved near her.
The humans are walking up a hill in the middle open grassland, which is kind of dumb in and of itself considering how many predators are on the island. The herd was running from their right to left, but a mountain was directly in front of them, so they shifted to their left which was right at the humans. The humans run straight back down the hill, and hid under the log as the rest of the herd past them. The T-Rex then emerges from the forest which was on their left when they were walking up the hill, and grabs a Gallimimus that was toward the back of the herd. The humans are already hiding behind the log, so even if the t-rex had seen them before, it had lost them by that point.
Most likely the T-Rex was walking near there, or even resting and heard that Gallimimus approaching, and waited for the perfect moment to strike, which is the back of the herd and not the front.